The University Is Seeking a Director For Its China Studies Centre, Which Formally Began Operations In January 2011. The Centre Was Established To Respond To The Need For An Innovative Understanding Of China And Its Impact On Australian Society In The Face Of Increasing Interdependence And Strategic Global Change. It Represents a Comprehensive Endeavour To Harness Existing Cross-disciplinary Expertise Within The University To Provide a Deeper And More Comprehensive Understanding Of China’s Rapidly Changing Economy And Society. The Centre Will Coordinate And Provide Direction To The University’s Work On And In China Across The Whole Range Of Academic Activities, Including Research, Education And Outreach. It Also Aids Social, Cultural And Economic Interactions Between Australia And China Beyond Canberra And Beijing, And Be An Informed Voice In Australia-China Relations.
The Centre Provides
A hub for cross-disciplinary education and research
A centre for leadership programs
A network for deeper and broader engagement with government, business and civil society, with a focus on local China beyond Beijing
A voice for commentary, dialogue, informed discussion and outreach to Australian and Chinese societies, to help each know the other better and to prosper together
A global platform for articulating Australia’s perspectives on China.
The Director will be a senior academic in any area of Chinese Studies and will have a distinguished international profile. She or he will also have a sophisticated appreciation of the rapid changes affecting the Chinese economy and society. A strong track record in competitive grant awards and attracting external research funding, and experience in undertaking collaborative research are also required. The Director will have excellent leadership and management skills, as well as high-level interpersonal skills. An understanding of the diversity and tensions in the field of Chinese Studies, and the demonstrated capacity to undertake outreach and engage the wider community are particularly important. The Director will be appointed as a professor of the University and, as such, she or he will also be expected to meet the University’s general criteria for an appointment at the professorial level.
The position is full time for a period of five years in the first instance with a possibility for renewal. A