Assistant Director - Mental Health Care - Independent Hospital Pricing Authority - Sydney

Job description

This position reports to the Director, Mental Health Care and is responsible for supporting the program of work allocated to the Mental Health Care section.

The newly formed Mental Health Care section is responsible for the following areas:

The mental health costing and classification project
Agendas and preparation of papers for the Mental Health Working Group and the Mental Health Costing Steering Committee (excluding secretariat functions)
Development of the mental health data set specifications / National Minimum Data Sets, (with appropriate guidance from the Senior Manager, Classification and Coding Standards)
Preparation of mental health related papers for governance bodies including National Health Information Standards and Statistics Committee, the Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Principal Committee, and the Standing Council on Health
Ongoing development and maintenance of the Australian Mental Health Care classification
Support the IHPA CEO in management of stakeholders in the mental health sector
Provide mental health specific input to IHPA policy and communication documents

The section is structured with an EL2 Director, an EL1 Assistant Director (this position) and an APS6 Project Officer.

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